How do I weld boots to the players legs? (r6)

For all of the WeldConstraints (except for the one that welds the boot to the rig) , did you make sure to make the Part0 property the “Main” part, and the Part1 property one of the other parts?

Yes, I made sure, 2 times. Still doesen`t work.

Edit : Let me try :SetPrimaryPartCFrame
Edit 2 : It worked! It’s the wrong rotation though…

You might just have to rotate the boot then.

Nope, it didn’t work! Rotation the boots doesn’t work, because I used :SetPrimaryPartCFrame which sets the CFrame of the boots to the CFrame of the legs i think.

		local boot = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild("Boot"):Clone()
		boot:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(["Left Leg"].Position.X, character["Left Leg"].Position.Y - .6, character["Left Leg"].Position.Z)))
		boot.Parent = character
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part0 = boot.PrimaryPart
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part1 = character["Left Leg"]

How did you try to rotate the boot? In this code snippet, nothing is being rotated.

This may or may not help, but for armor in my game, I have boots as well, I use accessories. I create a part called handle, and that part has to be positioned and rotated correctly. From there just weld the other parts to it. You will need a attachment to the part of the leg the accessory goes to.

Pictures: (I use R6, but I know this works in R15)
Important to make sure that the Part0 is the handle.
All of the parts are not anchored and CanCollide is off.

This is really all I got hope this helps!

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That doesen’t really help that much to be honest.

RigEdit Lite - Roblox use this plugin heres a tutorial for it heres a better more understandable tutorial.

using accessories is very nice since it removes a bit of the weld work, another great note too is you can use welds on the other parts of the model and the foot to bootHandle part can be the weldConstraint

I’m not trying to rig a model though…

Please elaborate on your text.

heres a accessory plugin Asset Creator - Roblox

you can use a mix of the two. use welds on the parts that are NOT the primaryPart and weld them to the primaryPart. Then you can use a weldConstraint between the character leg and the primaryPart of the boot.

go to about 10:30 in the video and it will show how to make accessorys which fit to the character

ive used this plugin on many things like vest and armour etc etc

I got a question about the plugin, can the accessory handle be a union?

You were definitely on the right track here. To rotate the boot, don’t worry, you can just use *CFrame.Angles() to do this. In your code snippet you created a new CFrame with a new Vector3 value, I personally think this may be a bit excessive, as it could be much simpler. Perhaps try this:

local boot = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild("Boot"):Clone()
		boot:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(character["Left Leg"].CFrame*,-.6,0)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0))
		boot.Parent = character
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part0 = boot.PrimaryPart
		boot.WeldConstraint.Part1 = character["Left Leg"]

If this isn’t the right rotation, please provide a screenshot of the boot if you use this code snippet.

Yeah i think it can be a union.

Thank you, I’ll try it in a few hours, I haven’t been online a lot is because my parents don’t allow me to go on electronics on some days.