How do you detect autoclickers?

Here, I wrote this in visual studio code soooo

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

local lastPress = os.clock()


    local timeDelta = os.clock() - lastPress


    local cps = 1 / timeDelta

    if cps >= 30 then -- limit number here

        print("30 cps")



if someone can click at a speed of 25 per second then they’re crazy.

i agree lol, they wouldn’t be human. But hey, gaming shouldn’t be exclusive to humans!

On a serious note, its very very unlikely but hey its definitely possible

Wow! These are great ideas! Thank you so much everyone. I would try them to see if they all work but, as you all know, Roblox is down.

Most autoclickers allow setting the interval manually, so doing as some answers suggest and checking if the player doesn’t click too much per second could’ve easly bypassed by setting the click interval to a bigger number.

I’d save the interval of the clicks, if for example 30 clicks share the exact same perfect interval then it’s most likely not a human. Then rather than kicking (to avoid kicking players by mistake) you can simply add a requirement like moving the character to be able to click again.

Otherwise you could simply make your AFK detection system account only for player movement and not for camera movement/clicks, so regardless of if they click or not they’ll be set AFK.

To detect if someone is AFK the best solution imo is to have an fire an event to the client requesting a response and then if the player clicks the prompt the client fires the server and the request is dropped.

There isn’t really a better method than that.

Yes, there are security issues with that but I am 100% certain it is the best method for detecting afkers. Alternatively you could have some mods in your game look out for robots and ban them.

When it comes to autoclickers you need to create a box and wiskers chart for the time between clicks. If the interquartile range is incredibly small (small deviation within ms) then it is most definitely an autoclicker. It will work for even slower auto click speeds.

In theory you could just check for range however you may run into false positives if the amount of clicks recorded is not large…

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To detect a certain amount of clicks you could just make a script that updates every second, which sets a value to 0 and when the player clicks that value increments by 1, so basically:

local clicks = 0
local maxamount = "put your max clicks per second how much you want (as intvalue ofc)"
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

    while wait(1)
        if clicks >= maxamount then print("Autoclicker has been detected!") end
        clicks = 0

    clicks += 1


What if the player has an autoclicker that clicks every one second or at a long amount of time? It won’t be detected at all, so what I recommend is to make a script where it checks every second if the player has moved, if not, after an amount of time the player gets clicked for afk. (By the way I don’t know if the script works properly since I can’t test it out due to Roblox’s problems)

EDIT: I wrote “click” instead of “clicks” at line 9

Yes, this script above does detect if the user has a fast auto clicker, but It’s not friendly because it’s in a local script, and then it’s really hard to work around it, I suggest making a Remote Event called “OnClick” (You can name it whatever you want), and then whenever the player clicks it fires the event, and then on the server-side, you just check how much Remotes you got from the person if it didn’t exceed the “maxCPS” then continue with the script normally

Local script:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remote = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("OnClick")
local textButton = "....." -- Im assuming you are pressing something, so it might be a text button


Server Script:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remote = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("OnClick")

local CPS
local maxCPS = 25 -- Set this to anything you think an autoclicker makes
local playersFiredWhileLoop = {}

    if not player.CPS then
        CPS ="IntValue")
        CPS.Name = "CPS"
        CPS.Parent = player -- You can set it wherever
        CPS.Value = 0
        if not table.find(playersFiredWhileLoop, player.Name) then
            table.insert(playersFiredWhileLoop, player.Name)
                while true do
                    CPS.Value = 0

        if CPS.Value >= maxCPS then
                print(string.format("%s is using an autoclicker!", player.Name))
                -- Player is not using an autoclicker, and you can proceed with whatever you were doing for example:
                player.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 1

    if table.find(playersFiredWhileLoop, player.Name) then
        table.remove(playersFiredWhileLoop, table.find(playersFiredWhileLoop, player.Name))

I wrote this code in 1 shot, so if there are any errors please reply and I will try to help you as much as you can,

If you are confused about some parts feel free to reply as well because it is kinda long for just an auto clicker detection system.

I wouldn’t bother and instead try to design my game so that having an auto clicker isn’t that advantageous. But if you really need to make an autoclicker detector for whatever reason, then I would suggest instead of making a script that detects fast clicks, make a script that can detect very consistent clicks as it is very possible for a human to click as fast as an autoclicker but very unlikely that even for a few seconds it could click as consistently as an autoclicker. While it may be possible to make an autoclicker that emulates inconsistent clicks, most people would use an off the shelf all purpose autoclicker for autoclicking.

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You just can make one cooldown on the player mouse if the player doesnt respect that cooldown then he get kick.

As some others have said, detecting and punishing auto-clicking should be less of a goal than building a gameplay loop that can’t benefit from it. Auto-clickers have options built into them to help avoid detection, and monitoring player movement to identify inactivity can also be spoofed with auto-key programs.

If you want to take the bleak capitalist approach to this issue, players idling in your experience only benefits you. It boosts engagement stats and improves premium payouts where applicable.

If the concern is balance-oriented, you could potentially lean into the issue and build some sort of “offline” system where users can still earn money or what have you when offline for some limited period of time, both disincentivizing “active” idling and bridging the progress gap between users who do idle and those who don’t.


I wouldn’t detect clicking, I would detect movement.

Maybe like checking every characters Humanoid.MoveDirection and checking if the magnitude is bigger than 1 each like 3 seconds.

If they aren’t moving, add to a counter and if that counter is bigger than, lets say, 40, the player is counted as afk.

local count = 0
local afk = false

while true do
if humanoid.WalkDirection.magnitude < 1 then
if count > 40 then
print("Player is afk!")
afk = true
count = 0
afk = false

Well yes. That would work too.

But you may have a performance drop if there are a lot of players. Also, note that it wouldn’t really work for games where the players doesn’t really move a lot e.g. Border Games, Driving games RTS et cetera

However, that being said I would say if you don’t detect movement after a period of time that would be the time when you will want to check if the player by firing a remote event…that being said it still is exploitable.

Several things you need to factor in;

  • Is the speed human?
    As jitterclicking is a thing and you would also check the cps on the server so its susceptible to lag i would allow a cps of up to 20-25

  • Are they consistent?
    Machines are consistent, humans are not
    If the player is maintaining the exact same cps for ~10 seconds in a row, they’re probably using an auto clicker

  • Do they get tired?
    When theyre on a “clicking spree”, so like above 8 cps for example, check if they get tired, personally I would look for at least 10% decrease in speed each minute if their “clicking spree” lasts for at least 2 minutes

  • Are they AFK?
    I would promt a GUI every once in a while that will ask of the player is still active but the location of it will be randomized so they cant leave the autoclicker on it and have a generated encrypted string that would send on the remote event back to the server in order to verify that it wasnt just an exploit simulating a remote event

  • How long are they playing?
    Honestly, its very unlikely someone will play a clicker game for 8 hours straight, if they do just kick them! They can always rejoin.


Uh, you could check the amount of clicks and the interval between each click. While it can be bypassed, you’ll need to install an executor or some other 3rd party software onto your system and 99& of people won’t do it.

a solution i can think of is having a GUI that appears randomly every time it pops up, it appears at random intervals but around a range good enough to not annoy the player.

the GUI can “spawn” in a random position within the player’s screen and they must respond to it or they get kicked.

if the GUI appears in random positions, it’d be harder for an autoclicker to locate where it’s going to appear

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Assuming that you’re using a ClickDetector, just add a cooldown to the clicking on the server. It can’t be modified whatsoever by the autoclick user and they will only really have the smallest of an advantage.

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So, what is the problem with the autoclickers? Is it the click rate earning them extra points? Combat this by a simple debounce timer. Is it that the player is afk and farming points without actually playing? Combat this by detecting player movement over time? Would an active player stand in one spot for 5 minutes, 10, 15? Decide how long a player should be allowed to stand stationary and kick them of they don’t move.

?? just some ideas. I don’t see what the problem is with autoclickers if the player is actively playing and just doesn’t want to wear out their mouse button. (its your fault you made the points based on clicks!)


I made a module for this, check it out if you’re interested in methods for making your own: AntiAutoclick (Detects Autoclicking)

Edit: Completely client bypassable though if they’re hacking. There’s not really a way to get around that. But it does detect afk autoclicking, autoclicking too fast, autoclicking slowly and consistently, etc.

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