How do you detect dark dex?

Hey um, you should probably check and update your AC game btw, I heard it’s not functioning at all.

Also! Guys, even if you can detect Dex…what methods can you think for when syn_protectgui() or gethui() are used as conventional/standard bypasses?

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Mine and @Mystery_Devx ’s ant cheat detects dex or other guis regardless of gui protection functions or disabling connections.


I would genuinely like to know how you go about doing this, because this entire thread is about how it’s virtually impossible to do it, but you seem to have whipped up a magical way of detection…

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Honestly there isn’t a point in trying to detect CoreGui as exploiters are able to avoid it.

Dark dex is mainly used on the popular exploiting tool Synapse X which updates regularly and as far as I know, won’t be patched any time soon :disappointed:

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Actually, you can catch a bit of Dex users in your game if it’s their first time playing since they don’t know about the game’s anti exploits yet and are just booting up Dex to find out. But in most cases, they are sure to bypass such as by testing and researching your anti exploits with an alt.

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I’d assume thats because the security is really tight, and getting banned no one wants to waste another 300 robux to try and crack the system.

The amount of robux on the games front page causes exploiters to just ignore it. Or at least causes alot of them. They’ll still have exploits and such though.

Sorry, we will not be releasing this method as exploit developers could patch it.

I’m going to be scanning through your model for this, just to make sure you’re not misleading people.


Ok good luck with that, it’s not even a model lol, and if you were to find it it’s buyer only so unless we white list you and your game you won’t be able to use it. And it’s obfuscated sooo good luck.

The detection is possible, I also managed to block Dex. And I am sure that @imwatchingyou_haha1 has an anti-exploit that blocks Dex.

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Is your anti-exploit also able to detect dex injections into CoreGui?

Yes, especially CoreGui. My main goal was to patch Synapse Dex and managed to do it.

He literally just said that lol

Never thought I’d see Script-Ware being brought up on the DevForum. FYI, that saveinstance page just executes a Lua script when you click Save Game, so it’s not really a “built-in feature”. It can still be used to steal models, though.

exactly. I’m just saying its a built in script

That’s not true at all. I’ve been kicked for exploiting while not even having one opened :rofl:. It’s super easy to bypass as well and isn’t even updated regularly. It also utilizes memory checks / gc info for half of the gui detections. Witch are unreliable.

You shouldn’t, if an Exploiter finds your script, they can just delete it (If its client side), Plus, you can’t detect what an exploiter is doing on the ServerSide without creative methods (like checking the difference between two positions or something, and Exploiters will most likely just find out how to bypass it within a few hours or so), also the reason its put in CoreGui in the first place is because Scripts cant access it, only the CommandBar and Plugins can.

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Obfuscation isn’t foolproof, anybody with enough time on their hands can de-obfuscate it (Even though you’ll waste like 5 hours), even if your claims are true (I doubt they are), you shouldn’t rely on security through obfuscation.

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Relying on security through obfuscation is something I can agree on that it’s not security but there are ways to make a script pretty “bulletproof”.

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Deletion of the clientside deletion is possible but unforutnately detecting disabling isn’t. CoreGui can be accessed with hacky ways too.