sorry for the late reply i went to bed
but when i print the userid it says nil lol? but when i just print the userid normally it says the id so im very confused i think
GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync Only allows numbers so like 10302302
I dont think you can define a varaible for it and do
lcoal Userid = 12033023
I have a feeling the error is correct and the userid you are getting are invalid. When you tonumbered them, they returned nil so that might mean your userId variable contains something other than a number
Even though you printed the userid and it looked fine
Type string.len(userId) and check if there are extra spaces. Idk anymore. Can you show the code you used to save their data and how you created the key? I am running out of ideas
Gtg to school now so won’t respond for awhile. Other devs could give you a hand