How do you make a fading intro text GUI?

Hi, I’m Tronsusu, I wanted to know how one would go about making a fading intro gui screen with text.


If you want just that text, you could use image labels. However, there is no native font that supports that glow effect you show. You could create a custom font with images for each letter - Yet the easiest way is singular images.


if you want the text or imagelabel to smoothly fade, use TweenService.

for example

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local timeToFade = 1
local object = script.Parent --put the script inside TextLabel or ImageLabel
local tweenInfo =
local goal = {}

--If you want to use TextTransparency
goal.TextTransparency = 1
--if you want to use ImageLabel to Transparent
goal.ImageTransparency = 1

local tween = tweenService:Create(object, tweenInfo, goal)


Here is a post that can help. It uses a logo but you can easily make it text.


If you want to get actual fading text in your UI, go ahead and use the TextTransparency attribute to a text label.
You can use a while wait() loop to -0.1 from the transparency ever desired amount of seconds to get a smooth fade in/fade out effect. :smile:


No please.

Use TweenService, it superseded using loops for doing this kind of thing. Wherever possible, you should always choose a method that allows you to get an event-driven system and avoid loops. Use loops only when it’s absolutely necessary.


You can either use a for loop which constantly changes the transparency value by a given increment/integer, or what I would strongly suggest, is use the service called TweenService which can not only be used to tween/fade the transparency but also any other visual property/object. For the effect you are looking to achieve, you’d first have to establish an instance which declares a TweenInfo object, then you can parse the info in the Create() function using TweenService to acquire a TweenObject.

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") -- Service
local GUI = script.Parent.Frame -- example object
local Info =, 'Sine', 'InOut') -- Increment/Integer + EaseStyle + EaseDirections 
local goal = { -- primary goal for tween, initiates fade for this example
       Transparency = 1 -- invisible basically

local Tween = TweenService:Create(gui, info, goal) -- invokement

Unfortunately, the EasingDirection and EasingStyle you provide have to be the Enumerations and not the string names in TweenService::Create.

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There are many methods how to fade out a text, but I reccommend using TweenService:

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