How do you make a simple viewmodel?

I’m making a simple pvp game with lasers and paintball guns. The guns work fine, but now I need a viewmodel for the players. I’m sort of a beginner at scripting, so I don’t really know where to start. I tried to look at the 2020 fps framework post, but it was super complicated for me, was unnecessary for my game, and had a lot of blender-related content which I don’t really want to use.

tl;dr I need a simple viewmodel, but I don’t know how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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This post has some information on what you need.


I’ll take a look at it and try it out. I’ll give updates in the future!

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I couldn’t figure out where to put the scripting or anything. The tutorial would tell me to write a giant block of code but I don’t have a clue of where it goes or anything.

Edit: I found a way around this. I could just make the arms not invisible when zoomed in all the way. It’s a pretty hacky solution, but my scripting knowledge is just too primitive. Thank you for the help, though!