How do you save data across games?

I know that you cannot use Roblox’s datastore to do this. I want to learn how do this without a subscription to host a server or what not, so what hardware and programming languages would I need to make this possible?


You cannot use a datastore for multiple experiences, so you could have the other game be a sub place of the first game. If that is not viable You could send the player to the first place and then send them back with the players teleportdata as the their saved data. (See: Teleporting Between Places | Roblox Creator Documentation, TeleportOptions | Roblox Creator Documentation, TeleportService | Roblox Creator Documentation)

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Yea I’m aware of this as I said in the first sentence of my post and I’m aware of teleport service to work around this. But the main reason I ask this question is to learn how to make a data save system without using Roblox datastore at all. (Now thinking of it, I should probably rename this post)

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You can make an API using a language of your choice (python, js, go, etc.) which would use some database (like mongodb) to store and query the data. You could then deploy it on a free hosting platform like heroku and use HttpService in luau to communicate with the API and control the data.

Note that the free tier of heroku (or any other hosting platform) won’t scale well if you get hundreds of concurrent players.


Alright, I’ll look into it for sure. Thanks!

If you’re trying to achieve cross-server communication then you should make use of the MessagingService.