I have tried and tested this multiple times I use it in my game and it does not use a lot of memory. My friends and I don’t have more then 400 mega bytes usage, that’s no where near 700. (And I use a regular laptop)
EDIT: typo
I have tried and tested this multiple times I use it in my game and it does not use a lot of memory. My friends and I don’t have more then 400 mega bytes usage, that’s no where near 700. (And I use a regular laptop)
EDIT: typo
Its not a ban, its a kick. They can simply re-join, as I said I’m willing to sacrifice innocent players in order to stop exploiters stealing my assets that I worked very hard on.
You are still wrong though.
And, I still don’t recommend kicking players based on their memory usage.
Sacrificing innocent players is the worst thing you can possibly do.
No one would want to play your game(s) if they get kicked as a result, for not even doing anything specific.
It is rare to find someone with high memory usage, Its like 1/500 players. To my knowledge, ping does not affect your memory usage. (Please correct me if I’m wrong) therefore its not laggy players that will be kicked. Only players who are opening a lot of other software’s at the same time as the Roblox client e.g. exploiters. (I forgot to mention this is just an anti-injected exploits)
EDIT: Not 1/50, more like 1/500
If you test my script, be sure to test it in the Roblox client as there it will be accurate, Don’t test it in studio as studio itself uses a lot of memory usage. (It makes a big difference, around 2000 mega bytes difference)
EDIT: typo
Memory(“RAM”) would increase if the game was big, as it would take more memory to run the game, which could cause loop kicking. To my knowledge ping has nothing to do with memory.
Also for the script you used you looped it infinitely and that’s gonna make memory usage spike.
Very true. Even with a server-sided checker the exploiter can just open the script and delete it.
Exploits(of my knowledge)will infect your pc or you have to pay for them(the “good” ones)
Please test it for yourself, because it does not cause the memory to spike, I have tested it multiple times over and over with friends and I constantly use it in my games (my games are not released yet)
It does not cause memory to spike.
Loops cause memory to spike, in almost all cases.
You said “Memory(“RAM”) would increase if the game was big”, Its currently set to 700 as you can see I posted earlier if you scroll up a bit, Depending on how big the game is you can adjust it to your needs.
That is false, Test it for yourself, I have tested it. (Even if it would cause a memory spike it would go up maybe by 10-20 MB which is nothing)
I have tested it with my own loops and I HAVE FOUND THIS TO BE TRUE(also 10-20 mb on lower devices is huge.)
Its simply not true what your saying, I have tested it and I stay at about 400 MB with or with-out it.
Just cause this happens to you doesn’t negate my tests. The world doesn’t revolve around you.
I don’t have an advanced/Gaming pc, I have an old?/Regular laptop.
How did you even do your tests?
I use a mobile device and I use a regular laptop. For lower devices loops can be crushing to them.
I have anti-exploit loops i use in games.
Make sure to do it in the Roblox client for accurate results, not in studio as there is a 2000 MB difference because studio uses a lot of RAM. (Depending on your pc of-course)