How does event Handlers run?

well pretty please can you use simple terms i dont quite understand

Parallel Lua: Splits tasks/events onto different cores, good for large systems like room generation

Multithreading: Making multiple threads for the script to run, basically multitasking, should be generally used for simpler and smaller systems.

Look into some YouTube tutorials on parallel Lua and multithreading, it will help you a ton.

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i ve looked up but i still dont understand the differences like both of them makes parts of script run simuntanosly

Which terms would you like me to expand on?

  • Coroutines enables pseudo-simultaneous execution; code isn’t actually running at the same time, it’s just running while other code is paused
  • Parallel Luau enables real simultaneous execution via the utilization of CPU cores. You’ll rarely need to use this though
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like the asynchronos and parellel s
how do asynchrous actually work that make it unique
since ik luau cant run 2 part of a script at the same times
and the multithreadig (tasking) isnt same as parellel in the work?

“Asynchronous” is just a term to describe something that doesn’t operate synchronously (simultaneously). Coroutines are what you should associate with that term. The “parallel” in parallel Luau means side-by-side execution (synchronous/simultaneous)