How does publishing actually work on studio?

I thought i knew how Publishing experiences worked on Roblox but it seems like i am missing out on something.

Let me explain, till this day i used ‘‘Save To Roblox’’ if i don’t want unfinished updates to be published live to the players but for some reason it publishes automatically without me pressing on Publish.

If experienced this 2 times which is very annoying cuz sometimes i work on a big update so i want to launch all the new content at once and not half through working because it got automatically published.

Could someone enlighten me how publishing works.

Thanks in advance!

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This shouldn’t happen. I always press Control + S and it only saves to studio, never prodution. Control+alp+P is what i use to publish, I usually don’t manually hit the option for it.


Alright, thank you for repying!

Thanks, turning of team create is the only option for me and found that out via the topic you send me!

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