How Does Saving A Player's Weapons Work

I recently finished making a weapons shop system, however I didn’t use datastore so all of the player’s weapons do not save. The weapons are located in ServerStorage. Can someone please help explain how this would work so I can understand how to do this.


one way to do it would be to save an array of all owned weapons’ names, and upon the player loading back in, just checking a container for items with those names and cloning them to the player’s Backpack

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In addition to what @XxELECTROFUSIONxX just said, don’t use regular datastores.

Read thread on its benefits.

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Datastore wiki page here.

Tutorial on saving/loading data here.

You would likely save a table for the player that represents their inventory so you can give the weapons in it back to them when they join back.

Or use Datastore2 like b_oolean said but you’ll still have to learn how to use it somehow either by tutorial or trying to use it yourself with its documentation on you.

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I wrote a tutorial on how to save items like weapons.


If you are a beginner, and don’t know datastores, using datastore would be like running before even walking. It would cause alot of confusion. I agree with using DataStore2, but I think he should learn regular datastores first.