How "expensive" is Region3 or What Happens When I MegaSpam it?

I am making a lightweight little zone system for my game using Region3. I am going to have a handful of regions, nothing too crazy, the game is not based around this functionality but I want to have a safe zone and a few other safe spots. Ideally I want to have Region3 checks done in a loop that is always running on the server, and set a status for any player inside a region that I can check whenever needed, an event type system.

So the question is, how often can I spam this loop without causing an issue? One time per second seems a little slow, can I go faster without worrying about server resources being affected?

TANKS! :smiley:

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It’s better to approach the Region3 by looping from client and allowing the client to fire a remote which then checks if the client is actually witihin the Region3, saving resources on the server.


It’s not bad at all in my experience, but you’ll have to actually test it if you want to know for sure. Look up how to use the micro-profiler if you really want to know.

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If you’re not literally abusing it by doing checks every single second, the only performance intensive feature is the AABB region checking.

I tend to use Region3s to determine if a train is still in the spawning region to prevent models from spawning on-top of each other. The Region3 will only do it’s AABB part check when a new model is requested.

For your use-case, it would be better to handle the regions on the client, and then fire off an event to the server when the region the player in has changed