How fast does it take for a remote event or function to reach the server from the client and the opposite?

I was just wondering because in some scripts I see Remote events being called multiple times a second for movement presicion etc. So I just wanted to know if anybody knew the average time remote events and functions take to communicate between client and server. Also, is it the same for bindable events as well? And does internet speed affect it?


This post is better for #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.

It’s different for everyone just due to the nature of the internet: different locations, different internet speeds etc. Any number would probably be useless in this context anyways.

Bindable events just work as server-server communication or client-same-client communication, so it is basically instant.


Ping time, respectively round-trip time, is the time it takes for a small packet of query-purpose data to travel to the server and back.

Remote events have to travel one way.

In studio the latency is about 35 ms, but in game it varies depending on the distance between the client and the server, and, like you said, internet strength. Remote functions also wait for the response, so the data also has to travel back to the client (I’m exluding server-client-server remotes because they’re risky).

Ping time isn’t always symmetrical though, it can sometimes take more time to go one way than the other or vice versa. Which is why client to server latency isn’t necessary ping divided by two.

Another factor is how much data is sent over the network. Roblox’s soft limit in a game is around 50 kB/s per player, so if you go very near to or exceed that limit, remotes are going to begin to queue and highly increase ping times.

Read more here: Network Optimization (2021) - Preventing High Latency & Reducing Lag

Bindable events are meant for communication between scripts on the local machine (local script to local script, server script to server script). No network latency is involved.

Edit. As Based mentioned, you can switch the topic to scripting support as a more suitable category.


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