How i can know when the roblox loading screen end/close

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I try to detect or wait the roblox loading screen close
    is for a intro a the start of my game

  1. What is the issue?
    I dont have any idea how i can detect/wait the loading scren end/close

  2. What solutions have you tried so far?
    i try look in the devforum but i don’t find any good way.
    i can’t use wait because i don’t want to make people that close too fast the loading to wait

I’m pretty sure that the best way to achieve this is to disable the loading screen, another way would be to use game.IsLoaded to know when the game has loaded, but keep in mind, this does not dictate when the loading screen has ‘ended’ or ‘closed’.



Remove the default loading screen, create your own and then add necessary logic to do whatever you want to do after the closing of your custom loading screen.

The loading screen quits once your player object has loaded in (you connect to the server). You can probably use
