How I make a Admin Script?

Yes??? You remove the ui if the user is a non-admin or no permission.

i Think the best choice is using UserIds, they cant be changed

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You can use Player:Kick(“reason”) to kick the player.

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But if the player does something to get something really rare and a admin joins and the script accidently kicks the player, it will make them really angry.

I didnt understand what you meant, can you give more details?

If the player is playing the game normally and a admin joins, and the player has the name like the admin and he get the gui and the script kicks him, will it saves the datagui? no, so it should remove the gui from the player and give the to admin.
Using player:Kick(“reason”) is the worst choice.

No. Thats not how it works. (I may misunderstood what you said.)
If an admin joins the game, it will enable the UI.
If non admin joins the game, it wont enable the UI.

If non-admin uses an exploit to use a command. The system code will automatically detect it and kick the player.

Oh. i understand now, i will try make a code, but if i fail i will make another post


local admins = {

function IsAdmin(player)
	for _,Admin in pairs(admins) do
		if Admin:lower() == player:lower() then
			return true
	return false

	if IsAdmin(Player) then
		local ui = script.AdminGUI:Clone()
		ui.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
	elseif script.AdminGUI:Clone().Parent == Player.PlayerGui and not IsAdmin(Player) then
		Player:Kick("Reason: \n Exploiting to AdminScreen. \n Kicked By System")

my English language is bad so is hard to understand

the elseif part is totally wrong. You can loop trough children of PlayerGui and if any child is AdminGui then you can kick them.

Yeah But i dont know how to do it


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You can change the elseif part to the following:

if IsAdmin(Player) then 
-- your code
elseif Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(uiname)  and not IsAdmin(Player)  then


Simply, what all the script does that it searches for the UI in the player’s gui folder and if it is found but they aren’t admin the game will kick them

EDIT: The issue that was with your old code is that the system will create an UI and set it is parent to the player GUI even if they didn’t want to and thats why the players get kicked for no reason.

if you want to talk about the script, the only admin script is done and i need do a ban script so i will continue at here.