How is the Cart Ride Around Nothing suspension made?

Ahh, thank you so much this is exactly how i need it, one question is the highlighted part connected to the actual base of the cart like the chassis (body)?


also how is the cyclindrical contraint only one attachment, how did you do it?

this is the outcome as im not sure what the end hinges are connected to?




Increase suspension stiffness maybe? Didnā€™t have this problem when I tested it.

this is good but the cart refuses to sway back and forth now

Decrease the Damping of the springs.

hmm this still doesnt work, i have made this video just o show you the whole setup, tell me if there are any problems with the way i have setup the cart, thanks

sorry taking so long to reply as im compressing the video file as the limit is annoying.

Change the Springā€™s Properties.
Here are my suggestions to start with:
Damping 100
MaxForce 5000 (the cart isnā€™t that heavy.
Stiffness 3000

Now hereā€™s the big thing you need to do. Experiment!! You need to go into test mode and while youā€™re driveing it play around with the values to see what works best for you.
If you change one of these Properties then itā€™ll change how the other ones react. It isnā€™t a ā€˜heres the number that works for meā€™ type of setup. Itā€™s going to have to be tuned to your vehicle by you.

thanks, yes i understand thats i just needed something to start on, something i can tweak myself, thank you

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i think its point less to make a new topic about it, but can you explain why this might be happening, the unions collision is complex mapping, i scaled it alot to see if there are any invisible bits but there is not, however the cart just slides off, heres the video.

Because you are relying only on gravity to hold the cart to the rails.
I originally asked in your other post if you had anything holding it down using transparent sliders or wheels under the tracks and gave you some search terms to use:

Search ā€˜keep cart on trackā€™ or ā€˜train bouncesā€™ or other terms that describe these issues.
Iā€™ve put a free model train setup that is completely physics based on a few of these posts.
Also you can search ā€˜Stravant cartā€™ to see how heā€™s done it.

Hereā€™s a model that likely showed up in one of the posts youā€™d find:
Train Experiment.rbxl (56.6 KB)
One for cars with dual axle bogies:
Train Experiment Bogies.rbxl (71.4 KB)
And one for bogies that allow for tilting to go up and down hills:
Test Train, bogeys with tilt (VectorForce or Hinges).rbxl (190 KB)

They use CollisionGroups to put wheels under and between the rails for alignment purposes. With the way you have crossovers and switches youā€™ll have to tweak the ideas a bit though.
The scripts have descriptions of different ways you can move the cars.