How long does it take for a decal to be approved/rejected?

Hi, so I just uploaded a decal not terribly long ago, it was either yesterday or the day before that.

It still hasn’t been approved or rejected, and this surprised me, as usually when ever I upload a decal it approves within minutes.

Could something have gone wrong perhaps? Or often times, does it take this long??



Hi @C_Sharper, from my knowledge a decal approximately takes 5 minutes to be approved. Some days decals take forever. I hypothesize that Roblox staff are offline therefore unable to approve the decals. This information is gathered from my experience of uploading decals in the past.


Okay. Just wanted to make sure it’s still in the system, and didn’t get lost or what-not.

Might be problematic if that would be the case, as for whatever reason I decided to delete the image from my computer…thinking I didn’t need it anymore. >_<

Thanks :slight_smile:


It doesn’t take too long, maybe it got rejected, if it did, you will see something like this:
But, if you want to use the decal in Roblox Studio, you can upload it directly, I think it will be faster than the normal decal upload.


The only issue with uploading it in the studio is, yes it will show up right away, but if you publish the place to a different game, the images (for GUI I know) will not load.


Thanks guys.

The icon on the decal’s page still shows the little timer with the page, so nobody must’ve gotten to it yet.

Just not used to waiting this long. All good though.


Pretty sure decals go through a bot not a person. (Perhaps it got flagged and was sent to the moderation team to approve or decline). Try re-uploading and see if it works.


I sort of thought the same thing, because most of the time they approve immediately.

This stinks if that’s the case though, I already deleted the image… -_-


There seems to be some sort of issue with their moderation process or so right now (this is not official word, just speculation)…

I’ve uploaded things that are now 24+ hours old and haven’t been reviewed yet, and I can’t upload any new decals right now. People reported this yesterday as well (but it got flagged for being posted in the wrong category):


I just hope any pending decals won’t become corrupted…I already deleted the image on my computer so I’d have to remake it :sob:

But that’s interesting info.

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Do you have a recently deleted?

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I actually was able to recover it from another file, so I’ll just use that.


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I’m waiting for some textures to be approved that I uploaded 2 days ago, weird that it’s taking so long.


Just wondering if your issues have been resolved and how long it eventually took?

I just encountered this very same issue about an hour ago, and my images are no longer being automatically accepted. I hope it doesn’t take days to get back on track.

ROBLOX staff have plenty to do… so it could take anywhere from 2 minutes to 24 hours in my experience. Generally it doesn’t go past 20 minutes for me.


Recently mine have been taking around the 28-48 hour mark.


I agree with @inspirre with this one. I’ve uploaded decals and gotten them approved in well under 5 minutes. Other times I have to wait 12+ hours. You best bet is to upload on weekdays 9-5 pacific when all the mods are in office.


Decals are approved by human moderators, not bots.