How much does an average builder make?

Hi, I’m ROBLOXGames, and i started using the ROBLOX DevForums as a starter builder. I’m just wondering how much does an average builder makes per map for example a cafe or homestore ( High Details ).


It honestly depends on the size and amount of detail. It also has a lot to do with how on point your build is to what the person hiring you envisioned.

Also, considering you are only starting out building, I wouldn’t start worrying about selling things until you know your style of building and such. Again, it really varies.


I’ve done loads of commissions before creating high quality maps and the lowest payment bar I have is 10.000Robux. Please do yourself the favour and respect yourself don’t slave hours away for near nothing.

I encourage you to work for ROBUX instead for an X amount of currency because truthfully, you’ill find yourself working for 1 Euro an hour or even less than that…

The above argument can also be made for ROBUX but the advantage here is that you can save a ton of Real-life money if you just want to earn those ROBUX to buy a nice Gamepass or a new hat in the catalogue.

Another thing to watch out for in doing commissions is the guy that employs you to do so, more often than you would think, you will get screwed out of your payment because of whatever bullshit reason the guy has refraining the payment being made. Work in payment intervals – e.g 25% work done → 25% payment.


This week I’ve ranked up just over 250$. I’ve got different long commissions providing me with extra money. As of now the highest offer I’m working on will gross 800$ but it’s a pretty big project haha :slight_smile:
I don’t suggest thinking about money when you’re starting. In fact if you’ve just started, instead of taking coms try and make things you enjoy making. Lastly, do things which are complex and would stand out in a portfolio. I can’t really put a price on maps because you have to take into account so many things.


But how long did it take you to complete the work to rack up those amounts? 250$ in a week sounds absolutely fantastic but again, how much actual hours did you spend to earn that amount?

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For cafes and such, anywhere between 3-10k (usually, depending on different style of build, time and effort) some devs may earn up to 100k/week. Others may earn a lot less, or even more. It really depends.

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I spend no less than 5 hrs a day and I consider myself a fast builder.

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I consider myself a starter builder as well, since I only have one published showcase, and a few smaller unpublished builds under my belt. Despite the time/quality I put into my builds and models, I find it difficult to land commissions that exceed 5k.
Most people are only willing to pay a starter builder around 2k-5k for cafes and homestores.

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Just in the past 2 days I have earned 650$ Roughly That’s putting in a lot of hours and hard work, and working late at night. We build fast and highly detailed.

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@Codetrix @WSSI I’m gonna make an educated guess that a job with an extremely large payment of 250$ or even 650$ requires a lot of hours put in, in order to get it done, everyday. evenmorewithtimeframes Now as my question; Do you even earn minimum wage with that?

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2 Days = About 6 Hours each day maybe a bit more - We earn about 15$ a hour is you want to rough guess it. The main thing is Sometimes you wont get a 300 or 600$ job Sometimes you have to get 5 Small jobs that pay a random amount. You don’t look at building as a full time job you look at it as a hobby that you sell your work- there is no minimum you are reaching for or goal. You sell your work to make side money- Not as a full time job.


Couldn’t have put it better, same case here!

Not really on the topic here, but where would you market something like offering building services/clothing design. I’ve been contemplating it recently, however i do not know the best place to offer my services? How do you go about finding these people?

I recommend creating a portfolio for these things. This allows you to showcase yours skills and get potential commissioners.

Yeah ok. Where do you then take this portfolio to display to others?

You just post it in the portfolio sections. It should be under the topic of Portfolio and Collaboration.

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Oh i see! I didnt know that section existed! Thank you!! :slight_smile:

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No problem! Any time! :slightly_smiling_face:

If you’re offering your services you can do it here in collab → portfolio. In my case, every client I get comes to me, I don’t search for people, hence the portfolio. If you’re looking to sell actual creations you’ve already made, you can’t do it here but id suggest the hidden dev forums.

I haven’t already made anything, I assume people would pay more for custom items? Ill make sure to check there out, thank you!