Hello, I was wondering how much this skyscraper is worth. Some feedback would also be nice
Thanks for feedback

Hello, I was wondering how much this skyscraper is worth. Some feedback would also be nice
As cool as this build is, it can be recreated by making a script with just a few lines. If it had an interior, or something intractable, it would be worth quite a lot.
Speaking honestly, the skyscraper looks nice, but just really isn’t worth much. I am not good with prices, so no exact number, however the reason for why I believe this is because it is easy to build that. You can just take two bricks, put them on top of each other, copy, rotate, and continue to make something similar to that.
If it had a more detailed exterior or maybe an interior of some sort, then the price would drastically go up. But right now it isn’t worth much in my opinion, too easy to recreate.
How much will it be with an inside?
Unless there is an interior to that building, I wouldn’t say it is worth much. Maybe around 1k-2k robux, It can be easily recreated with scripting. Although it does look good, it is quite simple as well. If you added an interior that was furnished, then I’d say maybe 15k-30k. Good luck on selling it!
I am adding the inside, just gotta get a few jobs done, lol
The skyscraper looks nice, it’s kind of like those Devforum offices in the Devforum group. I think this would sell for about 10K.
It heavily depends on what the interior is and all, however I predict that adding an interior might increase what I believe it is worth from maybe a hundred to 10k robux. There were no specifications on what the interior is going to be like, but assuming it is designed well, it can get up to maybe 20k. I’m not that experienced with pricing builds, but I know that an interior would help increase the value, and improve the build.
Just an example, I made a very quick curving build in ~2 minutes to show that without anything else, it isn’t worth much in my opinion.
I don’t think it could be worth much, because it’s just copy and pasted, so it should sell for about 50 - 100 robux
Honestly, I don’t think it’s really worth anything. Maybe 10-50R$. It’s a pretty simple build (really just two parts cloned and rotated) that could probably be recreated in a few minutes.
50 robux. Just because I could build it myself in about 5-15 minutes. It looks really nice though.
Well depending if it has features inside along with details then it is work more. But I’d say currently the frame/tower itself is worth around 2-3K Robux
It would be worth 1000 robux were it not recreated easily. I’d say that maybe 100-500 robux is as much as you’re going to get. It might help you to sell this if you put it into a pack of other buildings and sell it as a set
I wish I had robux to buy this model for my game
This topic hasn’t been continued since November 2019. Why’d you bump-post to reply to something that’s old. Please don’t necrobump threads for no reason as this isn’t relevant to the discussion.
It’s sandwiches with different orientations.
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