How much violence is too much violence in a game?

For starters; I’m making a game very similar to the Grand Theft Auto series and I’m pretty worried about how much should the unarmed civilian NPCs “react” to violence since I haven’t seen anyone make something like this yet (other than Entry Point and Notoriety) which has a small amount of NPCs and this game will have an entire city worth of them

The NPCs use the Chat service to talk and pretty much I wanted to know if it’s okay to have them panic/react to stuff like gunshots, explosions, chaos caused by players and police

Although, the blood is very minimal for obvious reasons but I want to know if this was still okay to make since it is a pretty major mechanic/detail for this type of game

I don’t think NPC’s reacting to gunshots by screaming or panicking really breaks any rules, so I think it would be fine. And as long as you set the Age Recommendations correctly the blood and violence part should also be fine as long as it’s not really realistic with gore and stuff.

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