How performance heavy is Lighting Tweening?

For in-game day-night cycle Clocktime constantly gets tweened. Occasionally for weather events clouds get tweened too for like 10 seconds.

Of course during the game other small things (not very often) may be tweened for short durations.

Now I haven’t noticed any performance drop because of this, but my laptop and and Inet are pretty good (for Roblox), so I’m wondering how it will be for lower end devices.

Here’s a video of the tweens by the way to give you an idea. They are really sped up for recording purposes, in the actual game getting from day to night takes 20 minutes. Random weather events occur every 10-15 minutes for 3-6 minutes

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generally for me, it depends on pings connection and game tick when it comes to tweening things like this as it’s on Server-sided script. Studio and Game client doesn’t show result accurately as in Studio you’ll get low pings, The best way to determine is by playing on Game client.


i would tween it on the client for all players to be on the safe side. But i dont think it would be a problem


All the weather effects (rain, snowstorm, snoflakes on the character) are client sided. The only thing that is server sided is the day-night tween, because I want everyone to have the exact same time of day.

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I just tested it in the actual game. I got 90-100 ping, which is the same ping I get even on an empty baseplate with no scripts (cuz I live far from servers). So seems to have no visible effects on performance. I was just worried about it having an effect when there will actually be lot of players, but now I realise that it wont matter, because it’s still gonna be the same 1 server tween.


That also depends on what i said including the game server, script and objects in the game unless if your game has 1-4 max limits (that’s when i do it myself returns choppy tweening after 4 players tested my game in one server)

cannot confirm either so you’re gonna let some of your QA Testers or someone else to try.

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Well, since I don’t have any QA testers, to be safe I’ll make the tween itself client sided, but the time calculations on server, to make it precisely the same time for everyone

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Even though it’s been abandoned while we await the 2nd rendition, if you’re going to be casting that calculated data to clients I’d recommend BridgeNet for extremely optimized broadcasting of the values; even though the creator shuns it now that he’s found greener grass over a random hill (he found an even better way to manage Remotes), it’s still quite insane how optimized it is compared to conventional remote setups.

I think that turned into a rant or something. Anyways, search “BridgeNet” if you don’t want to read my little folk tale above.

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I know about bridge net, I’m already using it for neck bending replication.

It is very optimized, however not very comfortable to use, because it can’t be correctly used in scripts that constantly get deleted/cloned/reinstantiated, like scripts under StarterCharacterScripts.

Still I agree, very useful module.

You can have a value indicating the time and changing its value using server, then have the clients adjust the time being dependent on that time.