I recommend making a wooden crate
What I’m really confused about is just where to go-it seems so complicated and huge.
Try playing with the scale, and the rotation. When you get the feel, press Tab to move from the basic mode to edit mode where you can have more editing tools. Then at the top there is a tab with a line, dot, and a face. Press a face (a solid surface) on this box, could be the top of the box or bottom, any face. Then press the move tool and drag it
The way I started was by following Blender Guru’s donut tutorial (can be found easily if searched on youtube)
During the course of the tutorial, you will be making a donut and a glass cup-- but that’s not really the purpose. The purpose is to make Blender seem less intimidating, to learn the functions of Blender & to learn how and why certain things work the way they do!
I myself found it helpful and I hope you do as well!
I don’t recommend working on spheres or circles till you have good understanding of solid and even faces. This just confuses people more in my opinion.
From a beginner to another beginner, familizaring yourself with the keybinds and features of blenders (aka fills, loop cuts, and other basic beginner stuff) can really help you start. You can also start by modelling simple stuff, as @alexthecool600 recommended, a crate is a good beginner model. Donuts, Ice Cream Cones, and Trees are also good beginner models to help familiarize yourself with Blender.
If you want some good tutorials, might I reccomend these:
Best of luck on modelling!
Edit: I would recommend starting on the Donut video, it’s made from a very knowledgeable dude who knows his stuff and explains it in a very easy to understand way. It also covers the basics and other parts of what you need to know to kickoff your modelling journey
Start by watching YouTube tutorials wich explains the tools or how to make an specific object. After a while, you’ll be able to crate your own objects. Remember, start small and good luck
I had the same question abt 3 weeks ago and already made this after 2 days of learning:
How did I do it? Watching a 2 hours video explaining the very basics of Blender. Just try the same!
Use the latest version of blender. The 2.9 versions. Start by watching a couple of tutorials, don’t expect to make something super realistic or wonderful. Some people I recommend watching is Grant Abbitt And Blender Guru. They make amazing tutorials especially for beginners. Start by learning the interface and learning helpful hotkeys and such. It might take you a while to learn but be persistent and don’t give up.
Thanks for the advice but I’ve heard that 2.80 was the easiest to use, so I tried it.
Using outdated softwares is a bad practice. Even if it is easier do not get stuck with that version. After you learn the basics go to the latest version so you can stay updated!
Search YouTube, I’m sure there will be something helpful there! I’m not the best at blender because I’ve only ever done ROBLOX GFX’s on there but if you search YouTube, it will help!
I cant seem to learn blender, through youtube video, myself, nor anything else.
It takes time, you can’t just watch a YouTube video and go, “Oh I know what to do with every single button!”. It really does take time modeling, or making a GFX but if you mess around on it for a bit or focus on one thing you’re really stuck on, it could help.
I try to mess around but I just dont understand the functions.
The only way you can learn something is by doing it, so I’d start modeling something simple like a basic tree or hat. Even if you don’t know how to do it, you just got to try!
Since your completely new to a 3D software, I would recommend watching series so it could teach you a bit about “Blender interface and how things work” and the software itself. Most of these questions have been answered and discussed in previous threads.
Learning Blender does take patience and time as it’s not easy nor hard to learn if you put enough time into it you will understand how things work and it’s not something that’ll come overnight: if your having trouble where to start first you should watch the blender gurus beginner tutorial (donut & mug) it is a great place to start, it’s decent and informative for beginner user’s.
In terms of learning the basic tools, techniques, and learning curve. However it will take practice and a little bit of learning. Here is previous discussed threads consider to do your own research seen it’s been talked about refer:
Start off simple, learn the basics such as how to texture and how to create some things like a basic door. Watch tutorials on how to do the basics of tools, movement and texturing / smoothing out the final product. Tutorials or the blender discord server could help you.
Hey everyone!
Thanks for all the help.
I’m making decent progress(kind of slow-ish, only on episode four of blender guru’s tutorial) but I’ve come across an issue with grabbing where it doesn’t pull it down when I grab a vertex, and it just pulls down the whole mesh/or it just makes a white line go forth.
Any ideas to fix it?
I just took a video to show you all what isn’t working.
Has this happened to any of you?
Can someone please help with it? It’s very discouraging