How to achieve a "retro", pixelated visual effect

Could you share the source? I’m struggling to figure it out. :sweat_smile:

Wow! This was the exact same idea I had in this post, but it was too blurry for me, how did you make your not blurry?

Oh I see you didn’t solve this issue, your resolution is just so high it hardly matters. Interesting.

This is going to be very useful for my 2007 styled horror game! Here’s a preview before I add this in! I just hope it works with my grain effect…


Holy cow! This is revolutionary! I’m sure a lot of developers are gonna use this mechanic to replicate pixelated games!

Sadly, Roblox might fix this in the future. :sob: :-1:

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I don’t know if roblox has changed how view ports work, but it appears that if you want pixelation from the Viewport frames, you will have to accept a lot of blur.

But not to worry! I found an alternative way to pixelate your screen:


I want to make a pixelated full-screen isometric-style game, so I decided to use this and so far, it doesn’t pixelated because it doesn’t seem to actually be getting set to the camera’s position

So I tried putting the SurfaceGui in the StarterGui while having the adornee set to the part. No luck.

Can you help?

note: I tried the method mentioned above, but I wanted a full screen pixelation.

Edit: fixed now

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I have now uncopylocked Retro Fights on the Heights! Although some elements were broken due to updates, the effect still works. If you use this, credit is appreciated, but not needed :slight_smile:

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How did you get pixelation effect?.. its blrury for me.

If you are using viewport frames for this effect, you will get blur as I mentioned here. This pixelation effect that I showed uses raytracing with a lot of frames as pixels.

Wait so you need a rtx card for this to work?

No. Currently the roblox engine doesn’t allow you to access the GPU for scripts. This is all CPU processing in a local script in a GUI

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I been trying to get something like this for awhile how do i get it to work?

Read the thread about the Pixelator that I provied. It should tell you all about it

Do you think you can make the place downloadable for one second so i can get it?

If not it’s fine

You can already access the place. It’s uncopylocked

What is it? Can you provide the link?

look on the thread that I have provided. Everything about it is there

Lol okay sorry for wasting your time

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If only roblox made their own pixel processing effect :confused: