How to achieve Interior Mapping?


Does anyone here think they’d know how to achieve an interior mapping like effect in roblox? (using a 2d image but parralaxing in a way to look 3d)

Here is an example: Interior Mapping shader - YouTube


Looks like the same concept as a fps weapon scope with all the camera parallax stuff going on. Perhaps this will give you an idea

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This is definitely a step closer, though the more I look into it the harder it seems. Might be more appropriate to make a box, and somehow wrap the texture to the inside of that box. It’ll have a similar effect, but wont be as optimised as real interior mapping.

I also suck at math

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use viewport frames and math’s to calculate the angle at which the player is looking at the image and then make the CFrame of camera the CFrame of the player and then that’s it you would have a thing similar to the video… and yes I don’t have the code.

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Alright, so this is a bit overwhelming. So using viewport frames. I’ll calculate the angle the camera is looking at the image. Then make the CFrame of the object/decal in the frame parrallel to the players camera?

Sorry, do you think you could rephrase it a bit more simple for me.

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I don’t think it is possible because Roblox doesn’t have advanced custom shaders and cube map.

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There probably a hacky way though. People find ways to hack everything in roblox.


I have a way but you got to have blender for that to work
so open blender 2.80(2.8)
keep the default cube and just delete the front face
Select it in face mode–>Press X–>Select Faces.
now we got to invert the normals
so first select all faces by Clicking “A”–>Click “Alt+N”–>Click “Flip”
then get a picture of any interior of google
and then you will have to be looking at the place where the front face was
try to move yourself there and in the middle as possible
then Press U–>Project from view
now you will have to go to the shading tab
You will see a one big node down(“Principled bsdf”)
move your mouse in the nodes area–>Press shift+a–>search for “Image texture”–>Click it–>Click
Open–>Select your image>Connect the “Color” to the “Base Color” in the “Principled bsdf”
now, head to “UV Editing” tab–>Select all faces in face mode–>and load your image on the left(by click the image icon you will see the image)–>now you will have to click the “UV Sync Selection” Button which looks like 2 arrows going the opposite direction(click it if it’s disabled to enable it)–>
now you got to “Scale” the whole thing in the uv area and make it big as possible(move it if needed).
It might look a bit warp-y at first or wiggly but u can fix that in Edit mode by adding loop cuts
the texture will be fixed but I suggest u to not add too much for a low number of polygons,
after that u can either,
get back to object mode–>press right mouse button–>click shade smooth(that’s a solution for lower tris)
the other thing is do the same thing as above but there is a twist
you will go back to Edit Mode–>switch to edge mode–>select all the edges inside–>bevel(ctrl+b)
I used for this 2 segments
that’s all.
I hope this will help someone right now or in the future


Edit Mode


You could try to unwrap a cube that takes your immage and automaticly sets the right part of the target wall on the right side of your cube.


very nice bokrum, thank you for the contribution