How to achieve similar pet movements to Bubble Gum Simulator?

The title says it, I am trying to have my pets in my game move similarly to what pets move like in Bubble Gum Simulator. For both walking and Floating/Flying.
I tried to achieve these effects using CFrame.Angles but I failed. I tried using Tweens but realized mid way that it wouldn’t make sense since the pets will glitch out trying to move and play the tween at the same time. What is a possible solution to this?
Anything helps. Thank you in advance.

So I worked on rigging and animating the pets(It took a while because I never did that before) but it works just fine except one issue. The pet(and all its children) have CanCollide set to false but now that its constantly playing an animation it makes it glitch out. I don’t know what’s exactly happening but it looks like it’s both colliding and not with other parts.
I’m not sure if I have to make another topic for this but if anyone can suggest a solution to this please do. Thank you.
If I have to make a new topic for this please tell me!

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Could you make an animation that rotates like that, then loop it? You can loop an animation by doing something like this:

local petanimation = pet.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(12345678)
pet animation.Looped = true
pet animation:Play() --runs forever
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I will look into it, thank you a ton! And Happy Birthday!!

Thanks! I hope it helps, good luck!

Bro you don’t need to do that. You can achieve such an animation by using lerping and why would Tweening lag it? Please try first. I also highly suggest looking up of CFrame

Animation is way easier instead of using Lerp in which you have to use loops

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Because the pets have to follow the player and playing the animation at the same time results in something like this.
I’m expecting the same/similar result from lerping.

So I worked on rigging and animating the pets(It took a while because I never did that before) but it works just fine except one issue. The pet(and all its children) have CanCollide set to false but now that its constantly playing an animation it makes it glitch out. I don’t know what’s exactly happening but it looks like it’s both colliding and not with other parts. I’m not sure if I have to make another topic for this but if anyone can suggest a solution to this please do. Thank you.

I think I see what you’re talking about. Maybe try adding this script into the pet model to double check that all of the parts have can collide off.

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
      if v:IsA("BasePart") then
             v.CanCollide = false


Also the pets and the maps look amazing :slight_smile:

Yeah, I tried that too the same thing happens

Hmm, yeah Idk then. It’s barely noticeable I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

The longer it stays in touch with other parts the more it starts glitching out and also flings the player. Thanks for your help! I hope someone knows how to fix this problem though

I don’t know if these problems are close similar enough that this solution would work for you to, but it’s worth a try. Devforum Post. Try adding an invisible collision box around the pet.

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Thank you very much for your help! It all works well now!

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