How to achieve that smooth Text change Effect?

  1. What do you want to achieve?

  2. What is the issue?
    I looked up every tutorial i found, but I just found Typewriter effect. I dont search that. I need that from the Video

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    Asking Google. Didn’t help

Every help is appreciated!

Boatbomber released an awesome module that achieves that smooth number spinning action. Here is a link to his devforum topic: NumberSpinner Module


Premade modules could definitely do the job, but from scratch, it looks like this effect is made using tweens and GUI frame clipping. Whenever a new number is needed, it gets tweened in from the top, and the old one simultaneously gets tweened out. Since they get clipped by the frame, they won’t be visible outside of it, and have that smooth in/out cutoff you see.