How to add catalog items into a module with proxy

I want to achieve a system that prints catalogue results in the output, to then put in a module, however Roblox does not allow access to http service, and it prints "HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources "

Does anyone know how to do this properly, maybe use a proxy?
I tried various methods, however none seem to work. :frowning:

local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")

local subcategory = 9

--local url = "" .. subcategory .. "&IncludeNotForSale=true&ResultsPerPage=60&PageNumber="

--local url ="" .. subcategory .. "&IncludeNotForSale=false&ResultsPerPage=60&PageNumber="
local url = ""
local pages = 25

local assets = {}

for i = 1, pages do
	local urlPage = url .. i
	local data = Http:JSONEncode(Http:GetAsync(urlPage))
	data = Http:JSONDecode(data)

	for ii = 1, #data do
		local asset = data[ii]

		local id = asset.AssetId
		local name = asset.Name

		assets[#assets + 1] = "{Id = " .. ", Name = \"" .. name .. "\"}"

local source = "return { \n\t" .. table.concat(assets, ",\n\t") .. "\n}"
local module ="ModuleScript")
module.Source = source
module.Parent = workspace

I’d recommend following this guide, however Heroku blocked that repo so you will have to make a fork of it.