How to add size of a part into Weld C0 and C1?

So I got the C0 and the C1 to work but the problem is that when I resize the part it doesnt work for what Im trying to do which makes sense because CFrame is only orientation/rotation and the position not the size, so how would i implement the size of the part into the equation?

weld.C0 = targetPart.CFrame:Inverse()
weld.C1 = root.CFrame:Inverse()

I believe you can look at this R6 scaling system which also scales the C0 and C1 of the motor6D so you should be able to apply something similar with resizing a weld.

See, Im not trying to scale the weld Im trying to make the weld take into consideration the part and also the root parts size when I set the C0 and the C1

I found out that you can change the scale values of a part which is attached to a weld without breaking the Weld. Using the scaling tool in Studio to scale the part will break the weld, but altering its Scale values in the Properties window will not break the weld. You can change the size of a weld’s Part0 and Part1 by entering the exact numbers into the part’s scale property, but you can’t use the drag-to-scale tool in the workspace window.