How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)

Would this work with accessories by any chance? I’m not a big fan of the tool system ROBLOX uses so I wanted to create my own system for handling tools.

I’m using the Fe gun kit and i rename the Handle Body Attach, and it does not work, because (for example) a script would be like if click then play sound.Handle

Is there anything i can do?

If you’re going to get it work,

Normal FE Gun kit is not compatible with this so you have to use the Custom Grip version made by @thienbao2109

oh thanks, can you send the link to me? Thank you!

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Im using the fe gun kit made by @thienbao2109 , and heard from @banktoner that @thienbao2109 he made a gun kt compatible with this. If you know, can you send the link to me?

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Can you send me the link to @thienbao2109 's FE gun kit that’s compatible with this post?

Really appreciate this topic, thank you so much. I also have a question if you don’t mind, how do you animate the camera with the animations?


In the first GIF, the AWP Equip. How did you manipulate the camera cframe? Like that camera shake.


Using this one because seems better

viewmodel x physic particles - Roblox

Kinda new to gun systems and I was wondering how I could make a tool that, when the player reload & has the right ‘tool’ aka ammo box, it adds ammo to his current count?


Because, all of the scripts in fe gun kit calls the Handle “Handle” and not Body Attach, you need to rewrite the whole script

How would I go about arm rotation with this? I want player arms and gun to follow the cursor of the player.

You would need to weld it to the arm instead, and use griptomotor6d.

I’ve seen games like Criminality tho, where, I think, it is actually attached to the torso. I think it’s for the same case in Stacky’s game Weaponry as well.

The arm is attached to the torso, while the gun is attached to the arm. That is how you should do that kind of aiming.

How can I fix this bug? I just did all the steps but why did it become like this? Animation bug - YouTube

Hello can I ask, I have a bug on animating the guns, this is the problem Bug - YouTube, welp do you know how to fix them?

uh how do i make the player be able to pick up the weapon, i can’t pick it up

You could probably use a ProximityPrompt for that. Or just put the gun in workspace (this puts it in a pickup-able state), but be aware that it has to be CanCollide or it’ll just fall.

Try taking it out of the tool.

help, i made an equip animation but there problem
weapon comes from torso and goes back to torso, how to fix it