How to assign an owner of a server? (And give them HD Admin)


Oh wait I must have misinformated you, my mistake. Put the curly bracket back but remove the colon from it.

I should mention, this is a ModuleScript.

At line 26, remove the very last colon and then find the player, that is highlighted with red. Capitalize it’s first letter.

like this?

Yes, but in some of the tables where there’s {"", 0} missing, there’s a coma that is not needed because there’s nothing coming afterwards.

And in the other tables after {"", 0}, there’s an extra coma afterwards so you should remove that aswell.

Sorry for the late response, I can’t really script for you either cause I’m on mobile . If I was on PC, I would fix the entire thing for you.

But I really suggest you to learn the basics of Luau. TheDevKing is really good at teaching and he makes it short as well. Welcome to the scripting community :wink:


Sorry, I’m a bit late but I can help on something.

You have to define the “event” variable before the signal. Also, you don’t use table.insert on this table. You do something like this:

local event
event = Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
Ranks[2].Users[player.Name] = player.Name
Ranks[2].Users.Index += 1
Also, did you forget to define “Players” variable?

Setting the UserId won’t work like everyone is trying here. You have to use the HD API to do so like this:

require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("HDAdminSetup")):GetMain():GetModule("API"):SetRank(PLAYER, 4, "Perm")