You’re right. They do have it stored in their external database but the issue is that keys are all unique and it’s simply not a viable solution for roblox to look for the key themselves and hence they find it easier to ask developers to erase the data.
Hello, welcome to my page. I’m GamEditoPro - scripter. I tried to do very realistic games on Roblox solo, but failed. And now I’m making not that realistics, but good and quality 2D games! It’s so fun to make 2D games on 3D engine xd.
they are still linked under the experieince id and player id
You dont send the id to roblox, the datastore system takes only 1 key, if you dont give a userid to that key, roblox doesnt know what that key is used for.
bura1414: Software engineer
They are not linked to the player id in anyways if the developer chooses to
A bit outdated description of myself - I’m doing 2D AND 3D games, depends on my mood.
Yes, but a developer doesn’t always store a player data with the key being their user id now do they? This makes it hard for roblox to find the data and so it’s best to just ask the developer.
Hello, welcome to my page. I’m GamEditoPro - scripter. I tried to do very realistic games on Roblox solo, but failed. And now I’m making not that realistics, but good and quality 2D and 3D games! It’s so fun to make 2D games and 3D games on 3D engine xd.
Depends on my moon.
Kat/ awry_y’s bio: no.
From now, you began posting &%@$. Let’s go back on topic.
you basically just need some way to detect when a roblox webhook signal fires. you can set up a webhook linked to another webhook (which is why Roblox suggests Discord or Guilded) and it’ll send a message each time.
You then basically just need an API key. You can send a HTTP DELETE request to the resource
and it’ll get rid of the entry.
here’s a command prompt command you can use to test it:
curl -L -X DELETE -H '"x-api-key": apiKey"
I’m sure at one point Roblox provided a way to easily delete datastore keys with scripts and a remote event or something, except it was really hard to find exactly where they provided that solution.
Anyways, the whole scare tactics they use in the message are pretty much that, don’t worry too much about getting terminated, they just use aggressive wording.
As long as you’re sure you have deleted the relevant keys associated with a player ID, you don’t have to do anything else.
Roblox automatically sends these messages to the owner of EVERY game a player visited before requesting for their account to be erased, regardless if said game even saves any form of unique player data or not - I occasionally get RTE requests for my games even though I don’t have datastores, any kind of data saving, or even any API access in my games to begin with.
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("YourDataStore")
local keys = {"a","b"}
for _, key in keys do