I changed it to key and get the same same error
My bad sorry
(I don’t have access to studio right now so I couldn’t confirm my theory)
I see, in your remote event you didn’t send the input through so basically it is saying playerDebounces[player][nil]
take this as a grain of salt I am testing the code rn. Just a theory
So I’m actually wondering, is the script getting the correct KeyCode to fire the function in the module script? I tried using print but it wont get pass this line
If the error is before that line then it obviously won’t get past
That’s because I removed this line for now just to test something
Try printing the variable input, what do you get?
18:10:27.214 nil - Server - AbilityCall:15
Change these following lines to:
if (input == nil and typeof(input) ~= "EnumItem") or (playerDebounces[player][input]) then return end
As for the local script, pass the keycode instead:
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").GameFolder.Events.Server
local PearlModule = require(script.PearlAbilities)
local playerDebounces = {}
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, input)
-- Creates a table for that player if it doesn't exist
if playerDebounces[player] == nil then
playerDebounces[player] = {}
-- Checks if input is not an Enum and if there is debounce
if (input == nil and typeof(input) ~= "EnumItem") or (playerDebounces[player][input]) then return end
-- make a debounce for that specific keycode
playerDebounces[player][input] = true
-- If it finds that ability then fire it and wait until setting debounce to nil
local ability = PearlModule[input]
if ability then
-- Fire the function on a pcall just incase it errors
ability.Activate(player) -- This will be server-sided
-- Gets rid of the debounce set on that key
playerDebounces[player][input] = nil
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(hit, chat)
if chat then return end
Ok so now its printing the actual key but its not firing the function in the module script when you press the correct key
if ability.Activate then
18:19:30.009 ServerScriptService.AbilityCall:19: attempt to index nil with ‘Activate’ - Server - AbilityCall:19
It’s weird because the debounce even works but i’ts not actualy firing the function
local Abilitys = {
[Enum.KeyCode.Q] = {Activate = function(Player) local Character = Players.LocalPlayer.Character local Gem = Character.Gem if Gem.Light.Brightness == 0 then Gem.Material = Enum.Material.Neon TweenService:Create(Gem.Light,TweenInfo.new(1), {Brightness = 10} ):Play() else Gem.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic TweenService:Create(Gem.Light,TweenInfo.new(0.5), {Brightness = 0} ):Play() end end, Cooldown = 1.1 },
You are still trying to reference LocalPlayer
. Remember that this is server side now. Use the player argument:
Activate = function(player)
local Character = player.Character