How to center-bias math.random()?

How can I use math.random()'s outputs to be biased towards a central value of 0.5. With values closer to 0.5 being the most commonly generated whilst values near 0 or 1 are rarer generated. Do I need to use sine with this or is there another method?

I don’t exactly know the search term for this topic so please send a link to an answer to this topic if you know it.


I don’t know anything about this subject, but this reminds me of Perlin Noise, where it randomly generates positions close to the other object’s position, which may help you.

Interesting question.

The answer should be known as norm distribution.

I was able to find this library with the knowledge of that name.

--[[ Continuous Distributions ]]--

	Samples from a standard normal distribution (mean = 0, variance = 1)
	Implementation is based on the Box-Muller (1958) transformation
	@returns [t:number] A number sampled from the defined distribution
statistics.distributions.standardNormal = function ()
	local u1, u2
	repeat u1 = math.random() u2 = math.random() until u1 > 0.0001

	local logPiece = math.sqrt(-2 * math.log(u1))
	local cosPiece = math.cos(2 * math.pi * u2)

	return logPiece * cosPiece

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