How to CFrame the Arms?

I want something like this:

  1. I want it to be cframe or any solution and not animated.
  2. I want the right arm to point at the mouse.
  3. I want the left arm to hold the right arm.

Edit: I already know how to make the arms point, all i need is to weld the left arm to the right arm in this position.

Final Script: How to CFrame the Arms? - #16 by InvalidRaycast


well you could do math to set the Motor6D for the right arm to point towards the mouse, and then do the same with the left arm using a predetermined offset based on the right arm.


Im guessing that this is a gun holding thing. You could use some maths to make the arm always point the gun or item the character is holding.

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what do you mean by this? do you mean to make me set the position of the left arm to the right arm and then add some CFrame offset?
Something like:

LeftArm.CFrame = RightArm.CFrame * 
CFrame.Angles(math.rad(35),0,0) * -- Angle Offset,0,0) -- Position Offset

Could you elaborate your solution? i don’t understand it.

What I mean is making the motor6D of the second arm poiting at the end of the main arm.

Edit: I already know how to make the arms point, all i need is to weld the left arm to the right arm in this position.

for this you need to use Cframe:lookAt(“”)

Are you telling me to make an attachment to the right arm then the left arm of the character is pointing to the World CFrame of the attachment?


Thanks for your response, but i rather use the script in this message: Make character's arm point toward mouse regardless of character rotation - #2 by systemac

Well not really I wouldn’t use welds for what you’re trying to achieve. I did something similar in the past where I used a lot of maths to rotate the C0 of the motor6D to a part. What I would do is make the maths and apply them everytime the mouse moves.

Didn’t say “welds” but are you trying to tell me to make C0 of the left arm motor6d point at the Right Hand/(Furthest point of the Right arm)

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Yeah pretty much. If you need help with the maths I can always give you what I did but I don’t think it would be optimal for what you’re trying to achieve.

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It seems like this isn’t a solution at all because I’m operating it in a TPM/Third Person Mode. It would work for guns if it is indeed FPS, but if the user points at the further right, it might not work.

Oh yeah that wouldn’t work, in my case the character was locked into position. Still I think it’s motor6d manipulation.

No, using the motor6D. The arms of a roblox character are connected by motor6D welds that are inside the HumanoidRootPart. You can set offsets from here

Thanks for your solution, after scripting I made a script that does what i needed.
Here’s my script so users who needed it, you can grab it.

local LArmWeld ="Weld")
	LArmWeld.Part0 = Character:FindFirstChild('Right Arm')
	LArmWeld.Part1 = Character:FindFirstChild('Left Arm')
	LArmWeld.Parent = Character
	LArmWeld.C0 = Character:FindFirstChild('Torso'):FindFirstChild('Right Shoulder').C0 *,0.1,-2.5) *CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(25),0,0)
	LArmWeld.C1 = Character:FindFirstChild('Torso'):FindFirstChild('Right Shoulder').C1 

Take note:

  • You don’t need to put this in RunService, all you need to do is put it in a spawn() function


  • You must be in R6
  • You must use this script:
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Not what I made but I already finished it, thanks for giving me ideas perhaps.

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