Do you even try your own solutions? It’s clear that using that script on a TextButton, ImageButton, or any kind of GUI button in Studio will not work.
Not most of the time … By the time you get back from the studio it’s solved .
that is exacly what i was trying to say, but well i see, is very complicated to make a custom cursor
?? what are you talking about it’s solved, it’s not solved lol
the roblox engine sucks and they forgot to create specific propreties for all different kind of cursors, so when you hover a gui or something it will not work
Yup. That comment is a truth nuke right there.
soooo. at this should i do it all manually???, i think is the worst option that i could think of
Well, you could hide the cursor and create a completely new one that follows your mouse every frame. This way you could code it to change its image to whatever you want whenever you’re hovering over something. I believe you could use MouseEnter to check when you’re in or outside the bounds of the gui element if I am not mistaken.
I don’t know, that’s the only solution I can think of off the top of my head, but I may be wrong. Perhaps someone else will know later on, or maybe Roblox will add new custom properties for the mouse cursor, idk
Well I guess not, in this case … was that hard to understand?
You can change the mouse to look like anything you wish at any moment.
You would have to set things like hover curser/ some menu cursors
But after everything is set to look the same. it will all look the same.
You cannot change the hovering cursor, that’s not possible, at least under the :GetMouse() function of the engine.
and it would not stay the same, because if you hover something, it will return back to the default roblox cursor for hoovering, it wont stay the custom cursor icon
i think this could be the best option, now, the problem is, how could i detect when is hovering on something, that i think is the main problem what i think of, cuz yea i can change the cursor id, but the only propitie that i know and we know, is the leave and enter mouse function to change the cursor icon when hovering on something
As I said, you can use the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events to detect when the mouse begins to hover over a gui and when it stops. Then, you can use the coordinates provided from those events to check what kind of gui you’re hovering over using GetGuiObjectsAtPosition, which will tell you as the name implies which gui objects you’re hovering over.
The clickdetector has a icon setting. I’m sure there is a setting for menu items also.
This is why I was posting ways to control the icon … an attempt to keep it what you want it to be.
Sorry Ikeep posting to you … I meant that to amaro
Ok but i don’t think hes really worried about the clickdetector hes worried about GUIs buttons, which do NOT have a icon setting
That script would not work well with a gui button as it will constantly switch back to the roblox default hovering icon
yea, im not really worried about the clickdetection, im worried about the GUI stuff, and the more i think of it, the more hard is making a custom cursor, cuz in gui, THERE NO settings, like you say w_bush
I’m guessing here … Not even sure what he was going for. So he wants the curser to never change no matter what menu it’s over? … Right off the bat I’m sure you’ll have problems with default Roblox menus. I’ll take a look at it. Maybe I will find a way, maybe not …
and the more mad i am at roblox when im thinking of it wawaaa
Seems to be many posts about this. This one sums it up pretty much.