How to change the death sound on the fly

Everything I search up is only able to do it one time so I’m posting it here

I want to add custom death sounds that the player can swap by buying them but with the current code I have now there is no sound, I have also tried putting it in brackets and quotes but it has the same result

	if value == "Default" then
		SOUND_DATA.Died = {SoundId = DeathEffects[1]}
		-- If can't find make it default
		SOUND_DATA.Died = {SoundId = DeathEffects[1]}

I have added custom code under the SOUND_DATA table in RbxCharacterSounds local script in StarterPlayerScripts


Link to post on how to change death sound.

Link to IntValue

You could try using an IntValue to change the death sounds on the fly using a local script. Then you could make it change a sound file to whatever audio effect you want. Though I haven’t tested if it would work.

To change the audio file you could link it towards a file inside either workspace or replicastorage.

SoundId = game.workspace.AddWhateverHere

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I found out that the problem was that there was a problem with the code earlier on that made it confused on where the “equipped” variable was, my mistake.

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