Hello everyone, this comes late and tbh is my first topic, let me start to say i’m not a expert neither a professional programmer but i like to play with code and this issue cross my mind when i started using weapon kit, for my bad luck i din’t saw this topic early so i changed the weponScript by my needs.
My goal on this is to show you all what i did so far and to know if i’m using the best approach/best practices!
Keep in mind i’m really new at roblox and still learning
So to start, the 1º thing i did was to add a new remote event in REMOTE_EVENT_NAMES and created list to keep track of players
"PlayerReborn" --<<<
local current_players = {}
i added a function to lookup tables, cuz i don’t really know if there is a built-in on roblox or a best approach
local function in_table(tbl, item, field)
for i = 1, #tbl do
if field and (tbl[i] and tbl[i][field] and tbl[i][field] == item) then
return i
elseif not field then
if (tbl[i] == item) then
return i
return -1
after on WeaponsSystem.setup() right after if IsServer then , i added a listener each time a player enters the game and assign some properties
if IsServer then
-- build player record
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local player_i = in_table(current_players, player.name, "name")
if player_i < 0 then
current_players[#current_players + 1] = {
name = player.name,
dead = false,
total_dead = 0,
total_kill = 0,
last_dealer = nil,
then on WeaponsSystem.onCharacterAdded() (i petty sure this runs at client side, correct me if i’m wrong) i call event “PlayerReborn” on server side like this
function WeaponsSystem.onCharacterAdded(character)
now i added more 2 function to be acceded trough weapon system module, just after _defaultDamageCallback(), i think both function are self explanatory
-- set player dead status
function WeaponsSystem.setPlayerDead(player_name, dead)
local player_i = in_table(current_players, player_name, "name")
if player_i > 0 then
current_players[player_i].dead = dead
return player_i
-- get player dead
function WeaponsSystem.playerIsDead(player_name)
local player_i = in_table(current_players, player_name, "name")
if player_i > 0 then
return current_players[player_i].dead
return false
The main function to handle player dead, added after WeaponsSystem.playerIsDead()
local function updateOnPlayerDie(target, dealer, hitInfo)
-- only server side
if IsServer then
-- only humanoid hit's, exclude parts, etc
if target:IsA("Humanoid") then
local humanoid = target.parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
local player_name = target.parent.name
-- only if player is alive and health is depleted.
if humanoid.Health <= 0 and not WeaponsSystem.playerIsDead(player_name) then
-- change dead value
WeaponsSystem.setPlayerDead(player_name, true)
-- get table indx for target and dealer player in current_players
local player_i = in_table(current_players, player_name, "name")
local dealer_i = in_table(current_players, dealer.name, "name")
-- assign headshot
local head_shot = false
if hitInfo and hitInfo.part and hitInfo.part.Name == "Head" then
head_shot = true
-- optional
--local KillEvent = GUIEvents:WaitForChild("KillEvent")
-- set counters for both target player and dealer player
current_players[player_i].total_dead = current_players[player_i].total_dead + 1
current_players[dealer_i].total_kill = current_players[dealer_i].total_kill + 1
-- optional
--KillEvent:FireAllClients(dealer.name, player_name, head_shot)
now to finish WeaponsSystem i added this line at the very end of WeaponsSystem.doDamage()
function WeaponsSystem.doDamage(target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData)
updateOnPlayerDie(target, dealer, hitInfo)
I set a new NetworkingCallback for PlayerReborn at NetworkingCallbacks file, to follow weaponSystem script logic
at the very end right before return NetworkingCallbacks
function NetworkingCallbacks.PlayerReborn(player)
local WeaponsSystem = NetworkingCallbacks.WeaponsSystem
if not WeaponsSystem then
-- player is no longe dead
return NetworkingCallbacks
for last but not less important, to get the head shot part working properly , i changed BulletWeapon:applyDamage() at WeaponsSystem->WeaponTypes->BulletWeapon
function BulletWeapon:applyDamage(hitInfo)
local damage = self:calculateDamage(hitInfo.d)
if damage <= 0 then
-- self.weaponsSystem.doDamage(hitInfo.h, damage, nil, self.player)
self.weaponsSystem.doDamage(hitInfo.h, damage, nil, self.player,hitInfo) --<<<
How this all work? so in my deep mind this do the following
New Player → fires server event PlayerReborn → assign dead status to false and others values → player death → get player dead, killer and last hit part → update player and killer values → player reborn → fires server event PlayerReborn
i have also added some event to be fired on client side, for GUI only , who kills who , headshot or not, how many kills, etc etc.
Just let me know your feedback
Thank you for reading this