How to clipping frame into image?

Hello, I have some problems.
I need to create a GUI to display a player’s avatar.

there’s a problem.
Triangle label image:
and I want the player’s Avatar to cut into a triangle but it doesn’t work :crarowing:

Is there a way to make the avatar player into a triangle meaning cut the avatar into a triangle which I did before?
Thank !

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Hmm good question I dont think there is actually a way but you can make the players head near to the camera( in the viewportframe) and add a “UICorner” to the viewport frame and make it look a bit more normal

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Parent the image label to the triangle label and turn on ClipDescendants in the triangle label’s properties. This should cut off the image label to perfectly match the triangular shape.

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This is how I would do it, try this!

So sad, I tried that method but it didn’t work :frowning:

Actually, I want to talk about Avatar players
It’s different from the player’s Avatar in the game, I mean if you change the player’s skin in the game it will have a different face than the player’s Avatar :frowning:

Thank you for your suggestion!

BoatBomber has a module for this.

Roblox doesn’t allow for this but you can get around that by putting the image as texture on a mesh then converting the mesh to a UI using a viewport frame.

To get the triangle facing that way you’ll need to add a new mesh. (An equilateral triangle prism. Note the image is added to the top surface. You can probably make it with a union then export it as an obj if you don’t know blender.)


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