How to connect a discord bot to a roblox game

So recently I started making a game connected to discord so you can control it from roblox example :
/start /stop /eat ect…

I searched a little bit in the internet but I found nothing

So please if you have any idea please reply this topic

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

The Discord-Roblox API was banned, but you can do it alternatively:

In short to summarize what @Diamond_Boiiiiiiii is saying, you need to use a proxy now to send messages to Discord. So instead of your webhook having or it should have a proxy address such as

I have also found something on #resources:community-resources where they also used . But that is correct.

Thanks for the info, but what I mean is how you can send commands on discords and it execute
a script in roblox

Hello @ImNotHere895

Give a look at this open sourced Project, is sharing what you are asking!

You would simple to make a webserver with an “Api” Then From the roblox game you can send Request and viceversa.

Ex. Discord - Roblox
Discord Bot Command (!kick (user) → Sending Web Request through API → Roblox game receives it – Roblo Server Run the Action

Ex. Roblox – Discord
A User Touched a trigger → Server would send a reuqest through url API (Web Server receives it → The He can for example send a log on discord server

You can use for the WebServer: express - npm