How to convert "Studs per second second" to MPH?

Basically when something moves around in roblox (Lets say a car) it’s speed can be measured by using: Car.Engine.Velocity.Magnitude But this ‘returns’ the objects speed in “studs per second”. How can I convert it to Miles per hour?


Always wondered how to do this,

Depends what type of group if you want to run. If you want to run a group similar to @FedoraMasterB98 's the group itself runs off of SPS.


What do you mean by ‘groups’? To convert it to MPH all you need to do is get the Velocity.Magnitude of an object in the vehicle, then use an equation to convert it to MPH. I want someone to give me an equation I can use (Because I don’t know any “Studs to Miles” equation(s)).

Well one way could be using the average walking speed of a person. Which according to wikipedia is 1.4 meters per second.

The default walkspeed of a roblox character is 16 studs so we could assume that 16 studs is 1.4 meters. (Probably not too accurate) 1.4 meters per second is 3.1 miles per hour which is 57600 studs per hour. per mile would be 18580.6 studs.

i have no idea if my math is right but uh good luck


According to Roblox, 20 studs is a meter, so 20 studs is about 6/10000th of a mile. Velocity is how fast something goes in a second (correct me if i’m wrong). This means that you can convert this to an hour, by multiplying it by 60 for a minute and then 60 again for a mile. For example, if your velocity was 1 stud per second, then that means that you should divide it by 1609.344, and divide it by 20 because 1 stud is equal to a 1/20th of a meter. Now, you should multiply it by 60 (to a minute) and 60 again (to an hour) so that it correctly shows how many miles you get in an hour. By doing this, 1 stud per second is equal to approximately .1 miles.

I can’t really be sure if this is correct, but hopefully I got my idea across and that you understand.
Formula (m = miles, x = velocity’s magnitude)
m = x/1609.344/20*3600

Edit: World Panel Settings has a realistic setting which shows that 1 stud is equal to .28 meters. This means that the part that mentions ‘divided by 20’ should be replaced with ‘divided by 3.57’. This should make it more accurate if ROBLOX considers the realistic setting canon.
New formula:
m = x/1609.344/3.571*3600