How to Cooperate with a Development Team

What happened to #9? Was it always like this? I must be missing something…

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  1. How to recognise early signs of OCD among team mates :wink:

This is really helpful and I will think of this everyday when I am with my team


I was smiling throughout reading this whole guide, I love the way you wrote all of this :slight_smile:

I’ve always been more of a solo dev but honestly just knowing all of this now actually makes me feel more encouraged to be apart of a team someday. Thanks for the great guide!


Even though I have never cooperated with other developers, I find this article helpful and funny, it should really get more attention as some developers have problems with their teams.
(Also you wrote everything correctly, but you completely skipped the number 9 :P)


There’s a reason nine was skipped. :3


You actually put the answer to your question in the quote.



I just realized why you completely skipped 9. Heh.


Nice work, Derpy. Great job doing this. (I originally asked why you dropped #9, but then I realized.)


Why did he skip 9? (30 characters)
Also, @DerpyMcDerpell, Great post, will definitely help when I have a team
Edit: I realized why a few days ago.

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This post is amazing. I’d potentially include another addition of being patient and understanding that different people have different situations.

From experience - especially working with developers from other countries - timezones can be a big issue sometimes. The key to working around that is to know what needs to be done before-hand. It may increase development times in some cases but i’d personally prefer a longer game that’s had more time + testing put into it than a rushed, buggy project on release. :slight_smile:


This man is talking facts. This thread is amazing and needs a really big attention from other developers, as that is a very important part in working together, so everything goes smoothly and everything emwill be alright. I fully agree with this thread.

This one is so true and very important. The purpose is to understand each others opinions, for instance putting yourself in his/her place. In your mind you can pretend that you are him/her and ask yourself: Will this be a great outcome for both of us or only for my friend? The right thing would be is to find a balance.

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