How to Create a LIVE Countdown for your games!

I tried this, but the counter breaks when reaching the number I have put for the music.

local StartTime = 1610294400
local StartMusic = 1610294100
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

while true do
local currentTime = os.time()
local timeLeft = StartTime - currentTime
local mFloor = math.floor
local DaysLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60 / 60 / 24) % (365 + 0.2425)) 
local HoursLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60 / 60) % 24) 
local MinutesLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60) % 60) 
local SecondsLeft = mFloor(timeLeft % 60) 

if currentTime >= StartMusic then
if currentTime >= StartTime then
	-- Whatever is inside here is what happens when the countdown hits 0! -- 
	local dec = script.Parent.BillboardGui:GetDescendants()
	for i,v in pairs(dec) do
		if v.ClassName == "TextLabel" then
			TweenService:Create(v,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
			TweenService:Create(v,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{TextStrokeTransparency = 1}):Play()

you can help me?

That is due to you having a wait() in the script.

I have put it like this, but the music plays again every 1 second.

local StartTime = 1610294400
local StartMusic = 1610294100
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

while true do
local currentTime = os.time()
local timeLeft = StartTime - currentTime
local mFloor = math.floor
local DaysLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60 / 60 / 24) % (365 + 0.2425)) 
local HoursLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60 / 60) % 24) 
local MinutesLeft = mFloor((timeLeft / 60) % 60) 
local SecondsLeft = mFloor(timeLeft % 60) 

if currentTime >= StartMusic then
if currentTime >= StartTime then
-- Whatever is inside here is what happens when the countdown hits 0! -- 
local dec = script.Parent.BillboardGui:GetDescendants()
for i,v in pairs(dec) do
	if v.ClassName == "TextLabel" then

doesnt need to be that hard. say if the currentTime is equal to (length of audio) then play music

And it plays again because of the while loop. Make a value

Can you pass me the script already made? With the configuration that the music starts at the time I play?

Hey, this is a great tutorial. I was just wondering is there any possible way without a StartTime? If i only have a StopTime would it also work out?

Right now it is broken at

local secondsleft = EventStop - CurrentTime

It prints this out: Days: 4 Hours: inf Minutes: 47 - Server

local EventStop = 1652546204 -- Epoch Time

while wait(1) do
    local CurrentTime = os.time()
    if CurrentTime >= EventStop then -- If the current time is greater then the eventstop it would break the entire loop
    if CurrentTime <= EventStop then -- If the current time is under the eventstop it will continue
        local secondsleft = EventStop - CurrentTime
        local days = math.floor(secondsleft % (60*60*24*30) / (60*60*24))
        local hours = math.floor(secondsleft % (60*60*24) / (60*0))
        local minutes = math.floor(secondsleft % (60*60) / 60)
        Event_Time.Value = "Days: " .. days .. " Hours: " .. hours .. " Minutes: " .. minutes
        print("Days: " .. days .. " Hours: " .. hours .. " Minutes: " .. minutes)

LOVE IT, Added it to my playground and keeping it for special event!