How to Create a Rank Management System using Glitch

Where do I put the code in part 4? (Client Button and Server)

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You put the client part in a UI button, and the server part in your Main server script.

CC: @Hayden_A28

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But if I put the server part in there is a error, because path isn’t assigned to something.

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Yes, you have to replace the with the path to the server module. There is a little more work involved than copying and pasting.


I would like to use this for my group, does this still work?


Why wouldn’t it? Its not like food, that has an expiration date.


It was created on the 25th lmao. Ofc it still works. :man_facepalming:

Hello @CAP7A1N
I have some questions for you.

1- How can I make Ranking Commands by using Glitch?
2- Where should I put the Scripts in Example Usage?
3- In your Rank Management Template there is a script in the button, Should we remove it or keep it?

  1. Your glitch site would be the same. You just need to script the commands to use the server module.
  2. Each is different. Client goes in a local script (most likely in a UI button) while server scripts go in ServerScriptService.
  3. I am not exactly sure which script you are talking about, but it depends on what it does compared to what you want it to do.

(Also, please don’t @ me as the creator or a topic gets notified from any reply. )

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I mean the script in the Button, when I download your Rank Management Template I find a Local Script in the Button! Should I remove it?

Well, it depends on what you want the functionality of the UI to be. If I remember correctly, that reads gamepasses, and should be moved to the server side.

Okay, Thanks for helping and answering to my questions! :sparkling_heart:

Hey, just a question. I am receiving an error when I am trying to use the pre-made UI you provided for the system. When the player buys the gamepass in-game, the player is not actually ranked in the group. It seems as if the “role does not exist” as reported in the Glitch console, and also a failure to rank “userid” to the rank specified via ROBLOX Developer console.
Help would be appreciated!



The scripts within the provided examples no longer work. You will need to follow the tutorial and you may need to re-script some aspects of the UIs.

I have a discord bot that has a command that makes a bot for you. You just say ’order (token) (cookie) (groupid) then it remixes a glitch project with the env set.

Is it open source? If so, please make a post in #resources:community-resources. Otherwise, please don’t advertise it here as it may have malicious code that will steal cookie/tokens.

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It is pretty simple code. I may open-source it to but, it will be obfuscated using this.

I followed your steps and it didn’t work
error server
What I am doing wrong?

Try refreshing your cookie.

This 30 character limit is so annoying.

Thanks I refreshed my cookie and it worked.