How to Create a Rank Management System using Glitch

Is HttpService enabled for your place? Are there any errors in the output/logs?

help image

My cookie is valid, so I donā€™t know what the issue is.

HttpService is on, and no errors in glitch or console (client and server).

The cookie probably expired. Try getting a new one and putting it in.

No, I am literally logged into the account.

Do you realise how you need to get your cookie? You go into incognito, log into the bot account, press F12, go to the application tab, go to cookies, copy the .ROBLOSECURITY of the bot into your glitch code. Then close your incognito tab.

I am doing that, but it keeps giving me stupid error login.

Then your cookie has expired, or you havenā€™t added quotes or a ; at the end of your cookie. (; comes after the final quote)

"user_cookie": "", 

is all I have for the format of it

Hmm, I realise that in my project too. Once again, are you sure your cookie hasnā€™t expired? You should get another just in case.

Yes, Iā€™ve repeatedly relogged in on a private browser to get the cookie, but it keeps saying the cookie is not valid however when I refresh Iā€™m still logged into the BOT account, the browser Iā€™m using is Opera Browser and it supports inspect element as Google Chrome would.

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Yep, it doesnā€™t want to work for the cookie.

Well, try in Chrome. If that doesnā€™t work, speak to @CAP7A1N.

Google Chrome doesnā€™t want to run on my PC, thatā€™s how bad Google Chrome is.

I did try it in Google Chrome, however, thatā€™s not the case.

I found the problem and case out on my own, but thanks for the support.

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Server = require(

Server.GroupShout(5231364, "MessageToShoutHere")

Why is path underlined orange / nil?

Your project might of stopped because of this too.

You are supposed to replace with the path to the server module. As well, this will not be stopped by Glitch because the server is not being kept online for 24/7.

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