How to create an arc using unknown angles (arbitrary angles)

I would like to create an arc, or a smooth turn within ROBLOX studio. This is intended for a tower defence game. This is the post I want to recreate. It must be able to work through arbitrary angles, but I’m not sure of any formula for it.


Have you looked into bezier curves?

You can use them to create a curvy path between two points (the curve can be quadratic like your picture, cubic and so forth)

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how would that work for going uphill though, if you look at the reference, the part is able to go upwards smoothly too. would it work as i have tried to use bezier curves beforehand.

also it does not work with arbitrary angles

also this is what bezier curves would look like, I don’t really think they would look good for going uphill.

Those are quadratic bezier curves - you may need cubic to get the elevation and descent that the post has

Another more complicated option might be to add a “fillet” to a curve.

I go over the math a bit in this post. Also see the following post for an example in Desmos.

It would require a bit of work to convert it to pay but would look nice.

Beziers would be way easier.

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Im pretty sure that could be a solution, but I have no idea of how to make it.