How to create an RTS game | Unit Movement System [TUTORIAL]

Yes, Roblox didn’t optimize replication very well so you’re better off moving the units in client sided ways (by only sending the position info from the server to players)


Following along with this attempting to make my own RTS game in the future, and I’m very basic. I’m having issues with once the builder is selected and you click to move the builder the beam is just directed almost center of the map.


Is there anyway to give him walking animations?

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Is there a way to change the model?

I’m attempting to create an RTS game as well, though I have an issue on creating a grid formation for the units. It always gets messy… is there a way to fix this?

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Use dark mode!! Light = noob, Dark = cool

I like to use defaults and I’ve used light mode in studio probably since 2019

If you are talking about the units, yeah, you can do this by detecting when the linear velocity changes, or in case you’re using humanoid is pretty much the same. Then, after detecting when it changes, just play the animation depending of what value you are getting back from that change, if it is (in case of linear velocity) equal to [0,0] or [0,0,0] you can make the unit play the “Idle” animation, but if the value is something else, then run the “Walk” animation.

Now, take in mind that in case you are using humanoid, your game might lag a lot since humanoid is not really well optimized.
