How to create [PS1 Styled Game]

Hello! I would like to create game similar to PS1, something like this:

How should I do it?
I’ve been struggling on this a while. I’ve heard about CanvasPaint or CanvasDraw, but I want to make it using my knowledge.


I would suggest your buildings to just be huge parts with detailed textures that have shadows baked into them. Sprinkle in some perlin noise and blurry colors and I think it should work. I’d also recommend using Krita as your drawing program since it is easy to learn, free and has many tools. In your textures, I would include some splashes of colors that you wouldn’t ordinarily use, for example: the metal beam includes greenish bluish splotches on its side. As for lighting, I’d include high contrast and saturation with some sort of vague color tint.


I’ve seen ways to pixelate roblox before but they don’t seem to work any longer. This may help: VHSModule - Easy VHS Screen | Plug & Play


While creating PS1/PSX styled game maps or models: forget about roblox’s textures or part. Roblox do blur them, so they’re not pixelated. That’s why ROBLOX PSX Games use meshes in their building
Sadly you can’t recreate effect of PS1, cause ROBLOX don’t give access to RenderScript. Ofc, you can do your own render thing, but it will be unopimized as hell.
That’s all I get to know while creating my own PSX game.
Goodluck with your own!^^ :smile: