How to create your own plugin

Make sure to save folder as plugin and not the script

Ye I have save the folder as local plugin and I have add the core GUI lines and now it work only I have one question how can I block the visibility from the GUI in core GUI will editing so other devs Canot stole my plugin

Even if you do so, your plugin still can be stolen. There’s no way to fully secure your plugin.

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you can obfuscate your plugin, but that’ll leave users concerned and suspicious of your plugin’s true motives, you can’t securely hide anything. also whats wrong with them just trying to check your plugin’s source?

Wait, you can check the scripts of other plugins? How to do so?

If i remember correctly, you can paste this piece of code to the command bar and get the source in the workspace (or wherever you parented it)

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(assetId).Parent = workspace

Ty bro, final question, do you need to originally have the plugin as well?

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yeah, it’ll error otherwise (its a canon event)


You can only seen the GUIs from the plugin as you core GUI have enabled I have test it but I think not there is a way to seen the scripts from the plugin

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With ui list layout can you create the callopasable frames make the frame with button then the frame what contains what you will calopase etc

Checkmark button can with made buttons visible and invisible

I take that you know how to script it

you can also view all widgets in “PluginGuiService” (iirc). and also get your plugin scripts

How do I resize it correctly on all size of devices?

by the size x 0.1,0 y 0.1,0 then resize the GUI with your cursor

Is this for widgets or a standard gui screen?

Screen GUI (massage must be longer so you know)

In the frame or in the special size item?

Hi! im currently working on my first plugin and i met with a small problem. the plugin is client sided, other players can’t see what i do with the plugin, is there a way to fix that ? (example i made gravity gun that the players camera holds it can be seeable for the client but not for the other players/server)

This is the wrong category, and what does this have to do with plugins? Are you talking about team create?

i was working on a plugin for team create so people can have more fun in it but when i test it in the team create my friend couldn’t see the gunmodel (it should be seeable next to your studio camera)

If you are using LocalScript that might be the problem. If it still doesn’t work with Script, then I’m afraid I can’t help.