How to Detect for an Executor?

frame test - Roblox, i have actually been experimenting with this idea, feel free to run some tests in this game, if you see an output like this in the console:
then you’ve been flagged for a dll injection. I also don’t have the ability to test this on a device worse than mine, other than an vm I had set up from a while ago, I saw no false positives when using the vm, but averaged about 6 fps, so it probably wasn’t the most realistic test.

I got it to happen just by changing my graphics level.


I shouldn’t be kicked just for messing with my graphics settings. I shouldn’t be kicked for having inconsistent frames. I should receive no punishment for something that isn’t directly in my control.

hey thanks for testing this, but one of the useful things is that the frame drop caused by the dll injection is different to inconsistent frames, as you can see the script was detecting you were dropping frames, whereas the dll injection drop lasts for at most 2 frames and then your fps returns to normal, I feel like with enough testing an correction a system like this might be able to maybe not prevent all dll injections, but potentially detect and stop a high portion, while still allowing players who lose frames to be safe from being kicked. I don’t think this is the perfect solution but it was a suggestion that has some solvable flaws.

There is no possible way to detect exploit injection.
There are ways to prevent it tho, You can make a remote event spam detection.

You can check my post that is solved about remote event spam detection here:

Also I dont recommend you to use the lag detection method, since some people dont have a good device or have alot of applications open may give a lag spike that will kick the player!

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Executors are undetectable since there external.

local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local SpeedMax = 16
local JumpPowerMax = 50
local HealthMax = 100

hum.UseJumpPower = true

while wait(1) do
	if hum.WalkSpeed > SpeedMax then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("We have detected your abnormal speed.")
	if hum.JumpPower > JumpPowerMax then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("We have detected your abnormal jump power.")
	if hum.MaxHealth > HealthMax then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("We have detected your abnormal max health")

This is a normal anti cheat system. we can add more code in this script.

What… thats easily bypassed lol

       print("so noob")

it checks if the WalkSpeed is being changed or not

you dont

unless you wanna dedicate your life to learning lua metatables and what roblox actually allows you to use.

That script is Client sided meaning that Exploiters can access it and disable your script. I recommend sticking to the Server-side.

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