In terms of privacy would a player selection method that saves to their charcter be better then just forcing it on them?
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I agree with this. Users can have a recommended location (based off the language detected) as well as a bunch of selections of every country so they could pick one or lie about it if they choose to be private. Could also add an option for none and give them a small anonymous face
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Hey I know this topic is almost 3 years old but I need some help me with something.
what do I do here?
if game:GetService(“LocalizationService”).RobloxLocaleId == (IDKWhatToPutHereForFrench etc...) then
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if game:GetService(“LocalizationService”).RobloxLocaleId == "fr-fr" then
Should do
What are the langcodes for english, Portuguese, and Spanish?
Find what you need from here. Search up the language name and the field named locale is what you’re looking for.